What do you with old leggings? Why, you upcycle them into new shorts!
Leggings seem to be one of the most popular clothing pieces in our house. My girls just love to wear leggings everyday, under dresses, with tank tops, as play clothes, for church, really the list can go on. No joke my kids can find a way to wear leggings for every occasion.
I love that they are really not too expensive and honestly they seem to last forever. Well until they get holes in the knee’s that is. My girls have are known for being able to wear leggings 3-4 clothing sizes smaller than their current size. For instance, my daughter who wears a size 8 can still her size 4 leggings. The waste band seems to just keep stretching and as long as the pants are in good shape they just become capri’s instead of pants. 🙂
Now the problem is when she puts holes in the knees. She is known for that! I hate throwing away good stuff, especially when it can still be used and re-purposed. That’s why I love creating cute little legging shorts for my girls once they have outgrown or put holes in their leggings.
It’s so easy and seems like such an obvious solution! These shorts are perfect for wearing under skirts/dresses or even just for play clothes. Even better I LOVE that I can cut them to the length of my choice! Which means I can make them a little bit longer for play shorts and a bit shorter for under dresses.
Other fun projects to try:
Lie your leggings flat onto the floor. Rub out the wrinkles (so you can get a clean cut). Grab a pair of scissors and cut shorts to the desired length.
Next, fold the cut side over top the full length legging and use as a guide to cut the other legging to the exact same length.
Viola! Once you wash the shorts they will roll ever so slightly making the cut ends look finished. You can also buy some Stitch Witchery no -sew and attach some cute lace to the bottoms of the shorts if you would like.