Many of the nation’s workforce struggle with paying student loans. It is a burden to both them and their families. When you find yourself in this situation, maybe it is time to find a student loan forgiveness program.
There is no good reason to struggle to make these payments. There are programs available to help. They will assist you in either reducing or possibly even paying off, your student loan balance.
Here is a little bit of information about a few of these programs. For more detail and to find out which programs are a fit for you, call the Student Loan Relief Helpline at 877-827-3868.
What is Student Loan Forgiveness?
Some situations will allow federally backed student loans to be either discharged or forgiven. For a loan eligible for discharge, there must be circumstances beyond your control which prohibit the repayment of the loan. Also, you need to have a 120 on-time payment history.
Requirements for student loan forgiveness vary depending on the type of loan, but most offer forgiveness for those employed in certain public-service occupations.
Other programs are available if you have had a reduction in your income. You may also be eligible for one of the contract employment offers. These may mandate an employment period at select non-profits, in exchange for the loan to be paid in full.
How much of the loan will be forgiven?
It varies from program to program. While it can be as much as 85% of the outstanding debt, it is often less than this.
Who qualifies?
The programs are available to people with careers in public service or to those in areas with shortages of skilled labor pools. Some of these professions include:
- Teachers
- Social Workers
- Nurses
- Public Defender Attorneys
- Child or family service workers of a public or non-profit agency
- Law Enforcement
- Librarians
- Speech Pathologists
- Peace Corp Volunteers
- Military
- Dentists
- Hygienists
Take the time to not only check into federal assistance but also state-level programs as well. Many times, they have programs to help with loan forgiveness. In some cases, you may be required to sign up before starting school.
Student loan debt is overwhelming, however, using a program can help. You may be able to not only reduce your burden but possibly eliminate some of your debt.
While I’ve shared a bit of information about these programs here, you will also want to reach out to the Student Loan Helpline (free call) at 877-827-3868. They will be able to help you navigate the programs. They will see if they can’t help you find the relief you need.