All too often it seems that items come into your home and find their way to your dining room or kitchen table. The reason is that there is no clear plan on where these items should go, so that is where they drop. Get the strategies I use to clean and organize our table.
Such is the case in our house the case for my kids. They come in the door after school, and the backpacks and coats get tossed onto the table, and then they run to grab a snack. Or, let me say, that use to be the case. Now, my kids know that our hallway bench is where the coats and backpacks go. That is their home each evening.
It took some training and even now, I have to say “backpacks on the bench” when they walk through the door, but many times, they will do it without me even asking. They’ve learned that our table is not where these things belong.
If your table has been taken over by the backpacks, the mail, the chargers, the school work….and possibly other items, you can claim the space back again. It just requires a little bit of time and some tips on how to get it organized.
Other helpful organization articles:
- Master List of all Cleaning Articles in our 21 Days Series
- How to Organize and Store Kids’ Papers
- Must-Have Apps to Simplify Your Life
Grab this helpful checklist will guide you through the process of cleaning your table and clearing out the clutter. Click the image to learn more.
1. Remove any kids items and find a new home for them
Find a place near the front door or in the hallway or even a corner of the family room where the backpacks can go after school. If possible, add hooks to your wall so and hang them as soon as they get home from school. This will keep them from landing on your table.
2. Tackle the paperwork
Go through any papers you find on the table. Sort them into keep, trash and recycle. Once sorted, toss the trash and put the recycled items where they need to go. Then, find a new home for your mail. It may be a holder for your wall or even a basket on the kitchen counter. Make sure it knows where it should go.
If you have coupons, put them into your filing system (binder, file or envelopes). When you can’t find them, you will not be able to use them as you’d like. Your coupons will end up in the trash rather than putting money in your pocket.
3. Remove any other items you see on the table and find a new home for them
Place chargers in a drawer (or even create a charging station in your home where all electronics can go). Find bins or baskets for hats and gloves. Whatever is on your table is there because it does not have a home. Once you assign it a home you will know where it will go from now on.
4. Clean the table off and add a centerpiece
Now that your table is cleaned off, you can enjoy it. Place a bowl with fresh fruit on it or even flowers.
Now, you have a table that you can enjoy — and use to eat your family dinners together!