Money Saving Tips for Halloween Costumes
If your kids are like mine, they turn to you on November 1st and already know what they want to be for the next year. Of course, that rarely is the case come October and the time to actually find a costume.
Once they decide exactly what to dress up as, we had to the store to see what we can find. The prices of some o the costumes can be crazy expensive! Even the expensive ones can run $30 or more. If you have multiple children and if you and your spouse happen to dress up, that gets pricey! You can easily drop more than $100, just on costumes!
We’ve got some awesome money saving tips that you can use so that your kids can have fun, but you can keep the wallet happy!
1. Make your own
Even if you are not crafty, or can not sew, you can still make your costume! Take a look on Pinterest and you will find all sorts of awesome ideas! Your costume doesn’t have to be perfect – it just needs to be fun to make!
You can even find recipes to make your own hair dye, fake blood and more! Pinterest is a treasure trove of ideas!
2. Visit the thrift stores
Many times, you can find Halloween costumes for sale at your local thrift store. Sometimes they are brand new and other times they have been worn only once.
3. Use coupons/sales
Keep your eye open and you can find them on sale. You can also use coupons to get an even bigger discount. For instance, Target often releases a Cartwheel coupon for 50% off of costumes, which can make for a great deal!!
4. Shop at the end of the season
Stop by your local store and pick up costumes after Halloween. They will be deeply discounted and you can set them back. Grab things such as makeup, colored hair spray and basics (so you don’t waste your money on a costume your child will not wear).
5. Shop all year long
Check out yard sales for costumes and costume ideas. You might find a piece here and there and can build a costume from the bargains you find.
6. Reuse clothes you have
Take the clothes you have and turn them into a costume. For instance, wear a black shirt and pants. Then, create a tail and make ears and you’ll be a mouse! Put on your overalls and a flannel shirt and put some dirt on your face and you could be a farmer or construction worker.
7. Swap costumes
Swap costumes with a friend! This is a great way to get rid of the costume your child wore only once for something like new! Best of all, everyone wins!
8. Be flexible
You might want to dress up as a grand wizard, but the cost is just a bit out of reach. Change direction and find something that doesn’t cost as much.