The biggest complaint I hear from Facebook Fans is that they never seem to be able to keep up with my posts because Facebook doesn’t share all of them in their newsfeeds. As we all know, Facebook has it’s own algorithm behind what you see and what you do not. No one seems to know what that magic formula is and what you can do to crack it! Not only that, Facebook is now wanting pages to pay to ensure their readers are seeing content (and even paying is not a guarantee that I will show up in your news feed).
Luckily, there is an easy way for you to keep up with every single Penny Pinchin’ Mom post, ensuring you never miss a deal! It is simple to create a list and then very simply access it from your news feed. Here’s how to go about doing just that:
1. Visit Penny Pinchin’ Mom on Facebook and LIKE me (if you have not already done so). Once you do that, ‘hover’ on the LIKED button and then you will see a new menu pop up. Click on Create a new List:
2. Once you click that button, you will see Penny Pinchin’ Mom is added to your list.
3. Next, you will need to give your list a name. You can make your list public, share it with friends or keep it private. I set my lists to public so that others can find the same great pages I’ve found and maybe a new blog to follow themselves!
4. Once you have your list set up, you can access it directly from your news feed in your side bar. Just click this and all of the recent posts for all page(s) in your list will instantly pop up in your news feed! It will look just like this:
And there you have it! A simple way to ensure that you never miss out on any of the great deals shared every day here on Penny Pinchin’ Mom!
Make sure your family and friends know about this great feature — just click the SHARE link above and post it on your page. That way, they too will never miss out on any updates on their favorite pages either!