My newest endeavor is our summer schedule. What?!? A schedule for summertime? Why in the world does anyone want a schedule during vacation?!?
Well, for me, it is because my kids need to know what comes next. I have learned that if they know when they finish lunch it is quiet time, or that after they play for an hour alone that they get Mom time, they are happier. And we all know happy kids = happy mom.
If you are a mom, you know that some days, you run a very thin line between sanity and insanity. Summertime, when the kids are home, can push the envelope and might force you over the edge towards insanity. I want to be a mom who keeps it together for myself and my children. I’ve decided to try some new things and also share some of my favorite sanity savers with all of you.
Before school was over for the year, I sat down with my daughter and asked for her input as to what we should do for our schedule. Since she is my most demanding child, having her help set everything up would prove invaluable. We decided what we needed to do every day and then figured out what time of day worked best. All 3 of my kids love to know what happens all day long.
However, it is not just knowing what comes next for them; it also gives children a sense of control. They know what is going to happen. They don’t have to wonder.
They feel like they have a little control over their small worlds. They can just check the chart to know what we are going to do – controlling what happens next (as far as they think they do at least).
Since my children are very visual, I felt it would help to have the schedule written down. I also wanted to make it fun for them and have it large enough so they could easily see and refer to it. Now, when they say “I’m hungry!” I can ask them — what time is your snack? They can run to the chart, then check the clock and know that it is not yet quite time to eat.
This little project was so simple to create. I just stopped by the store and picked up some poster board and went to work!
Ruler or yardstick
Determine your daily schedule, including wake and bedtimes. It could be as simple as 8:00 am wake up time, 9:00 story time, 10:00 movie time, 12:00 lunch, 1:00 naptime, 3:00 pool, etc. You don’t have to be too detailed in your planning.
Here is our schedule, that you can use as a guide:
6 – 8: Wake up, eat breakfast, relax
8 – 8:30: Get dressed, make beds, fix hair, brush teeth, clean up rooms
8:30 – 9:30: Mom’s time to pick up the house, work, etc.
9:30 – 11:30: Mommy time for the days’ event (library, outside, crafts, baking, etc.)
11:30 – 12:00: Lunchtime
12:00 – 1:00: Kids’ alone in their rooms for quiet time (napping, movies, reading, quiet play) – Keeps mom sane
1:00 – 2:30: More mom time (pool, outside, movie time, etc.)
2:30 – 3:00: Kids play alone
3:00 – 3:15: Afternoon snack time
3:15 – 5:30: Playtime — with or without mom, depending on what mom needs to get done
5:30 – 6:30: Dinner time and catch up with Dad
6:30 – 8:30: Baths, wind down and bedtimes (various times for each child)
Draw lines on the posterboard, one for a title and then enough for each time you need for your schedule.
Write your schedule in fun colors and then hang it where you and your kids can easily see it. Now, you’ll all know what you will d0 each day, which just may save your sanity this summer.
Our schedule works well for us. Yours may be similar or completely different. No matter what you decide to do, you know it will be right. Not all families will work on the same schedule. Find what works, and it just might make you help keep your sanity this summer!