If you are like me, you get greeting cards for all sorts of occasions. You might have received them for your wedding, baby shower, birthday….the list goes on and on. You may not want to just throw them away, but what do you do with them? Toss them into a box and let them sit there?
I’ve got a better solution for you.
Create your own Greeting Card Memory Book instead!! It requires two things — hole punch and string. That’s it!
See how awesome that looks?! And it’s so easy!
To start, find the cards you want to use to create your book. I like to keep mine together by occasion, but you could do it for a year or whatever you would like.
Next, stack your cards by placing them in size order with the smallest on the top. This will be your pilot card.
Next, punch three holes along the folded edge of the card. Center the next larger card behind the one you just punched. Then, punch holes again so that they go through to the second card. Repeat until all cards have been punched.
Use string or yarn and tie a bow through the holes so that they stay together. I would recommend you first tie the center together and then move to the top and the bottom.
That’s it! Now your cards can be saved easily, and have actually formed into a memory book of sorts! I feel good knowing I can keep all my cards without sacrificing organization!
Oh! And here’s a tip – if you want to know what year they were from, just create a small cover sheet to put on the top of the cards!