Normally, Frugal Friday comes around every two weeks, but in my searching on Pintrest (very dangerous site if you have not yet joined), I found the greatest idea that just paired perfectly with yesterday’s Debt Free Challenge assignment.
These envelopes are homemade. Which, not only saves money, but can be cuter than just plain old white envelopes. These instructions were found at Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs. It is a pretty simpl concept really. You down load her template and trace it out. You fold where she tells you to. You glue up the ends and you are set! She even suggests hole punching it and hooking the set together so that you can place them in your purse or wallet very easily!
If you want to give this project a shot – head on over to Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs and check out her tutorial! Have you ever made your own envelopes? I might just have to give this one a shot myself!