Do you know how to force bulbs to grow?
Sometimes with fickle spring weather, bulbs can come up too soon and can be thwarted. Not to mention, sometimes I just want flowers in the winter! There’s an easy way to make that happen. Once I learned how to force bulbs to grow, I no longer have to wait for nice growing conditions outside, but can grow them indoors in a vase anytime I want!
Glass stones, or medium-sized rocks
Bulbs of any variety
Tall vases
Start by filling your vases with about four inches of your glass stones or medium-sized rocks. Try and give yourself a halfway level surface to place your bulbs on. Fill the jar with water just to the top of the rocks. Place your bulbs, root side down, on top of the rocks. Feel free to wedge your bulbs in next to each other so they have a tight fit in the vase. This will give them more stability when growing.
Place your vase in a well lit area, preferable near a window so the bulbs can get plents of sunlight. In a week or so, you should see your bulbs start to grow roots. Make sure to keep the water, just to the base of the bulbs. Try not to let it get lower or higher than that. If it gets too low, you bulb’s roots can dry out, and if it gets too high, you can drown your bulbs.
As your bulbs get tall, you will notice the plants will lean toward the sunlight. Turn them every few days to keep them growing straight and tall. Enjoy your plants indoors, and rejoice in the fact that you can now have flowers in your house no matter what time of year it is, because you know how to force bulbs to grow!
Check out how to make these adorable DIY Seed Bombs!