If you are in college (or have kids who are), you probably realize just how very expensive text books can be! With all of the other costs associated with secondary education, it is crazy how much students spend on books. Then, when they are through with college, what happens? The books end up on a shelf for a while, before they are finally discarded or recycled. That is literally money wasted.
One easy way to save is just rent your text books! Bookrenter.com has thousands of titles available. You simply type in the details for the book you need. One you find it, you order it and it ships to you (for free). At the end of the semester, you can mail them back — again for free — and you don’t have books taking up precious space!
The savings are really amazing – up to 80% off of titles. It is just a simple way for college students to save money. Now, what they decide to do with that extra cash is up to them!