A simple way to increase your income is to find additional ways to make money from home. Of course, no one wants to sign up for one of the most recent MLM companies and host parties, hoping for sales. After all, is that a good use of your education and the skills you have acquired? Maybe not.
You may have heard about teachers bragging about how they are making $2,000 a month, teaching kids from home. They do this through their VIPKID side hustle.
It may sound great, in theory, but before you sign up to get started, make sure you do your homework. Below we break it all down for you, so you know everything there is to know about VIPKID before you sign up. That way, you know you are making the right decision whether you should work for them or not.
VIPKID is an online ESLK teaching program that teaches English to children in China. You will teach English to kids who are between the ages of 4-12. The company is headquartered in Bejing and offers fully immersive one-on-one English language instruction provided online by highly qualified teachers.
The curriculum is based on the U.S. Common Core State Standards and uses a flipped-classroom approach to foster creativity and critical thinking skills.
Because you are teaching children, VIPKID is very selective about who they hire. They have strict requirements for anyone who wants to work for them.
If you wish to work for VIPKID as a teacher you must:
- Speak English as a native language
- Must have a Bachelor’s Degree
- Experience working with children ages 4-12
- Must be available for six months (you are committed for this period)
Also, there are also technology requirements you need to have to work for them as well:
- Desktop or laptop computer with a webcam and microphone
- High-speed Internet connection
- Chrome or Firefox browser
If you can not meet all of these requirements, you will not be able to work for VIPKid.
Students live in Bejing, which means your time is based on their class schedules. There is up to a 13 hour time difference between Bejing local time and the United States (depending on which time zone you live in).
The classes typically happen between 6 – 10 pm during the week and anywhere from 9 am – 10 pm on weekends, Bejing time. That makes them around 5 am – 9 am US time.
You will be an independent contractor. The rate is anywhere from $14 – $22 per hour, but they also offer incentives. The average teacher makes around $20/hour after adding in all incentives.
For instance, if you teach more than 45 classes in a single pay period, you will receive a bonus of $1 per class. Also, for each class you show up for, you will earn a $1 attendance bonus, even if your student doesn’t.
You receive payment twice a month, via direct deposit. And, since you are an independent contractor, you will receive a 1099 at the end of the fiscal year so that you can prepare your taxes. (Consult your CPA for individual tax issues associated with this type of reporting).
If you meet the qualifications (mentioned above), you will complete both an online application and submit your resume. If VIPKID wishes to proceed, they will reach out to you to set up an interview via Skype. During that time, you will discuss your professional background and will be required to complete a 30-minute demo class, based on lesson slides they provide to you.
Because the curriculum is very structured, they need to make sure that every lesson focus on their slides. The company needs to see that you can teach it in the way they’ve designed it.
Once that is complete, you will watch training videos to learn VIPKID’s training curriculum, standards, and their technology. The next step will be participating in a mock class with another VIPKID teacher.
After you get through all of this, you will sign a contract and start working!
You will need to sign a contract to work for them. You will be asked to commit to six months at a time. Once that period ends, your contract may or may not be renewed, depending on feedback from students and parents, in addition to the number of classes you ended up teaching.
There is quite a time difference between you and your student. That can make your working hours rather tough.
Many teachers will work early mornings, around 4:30 am, including weekends. If you can make it work, the best times to work are Friday and Saturday night between 9 pm and midnight EST.
You are in control of your schedule and are not required to meet any minimum hourly requirements.
Once you get used to the VIPKID structure, there will be very little prep work required. You will receive a lesson to do with each child, which will be based on their current English level. The class is taught through a PowerPoint lesson, on which you both can interact and respond through.
Both of you wear headsets and can see one another on cameras, so you can easily communicate. You are free to use any additional props or tools to teach your student.
Each teacher writes a short bio to introduce themselves. You will upload a few pictures of yourself as well as a brief introduction video (they offer a script, but you can get as fancy as you would like).
Parents can log in through the VIPKID parent portal and see this information. In addition to your bio, they will also be able to read any reviews or feedback left by others. Parents can also follow specific teachers and flag them as their favorites.
Parents will be able to book up to two weeks in advance starting each Monday at noon (Bejing time).
Finding legitimate companies is a common concern when it comes to work from home companies. VIPKID is one of the few sites that delivers on its promises and is the real deal. They are very selective about who they hire as they want to make sure you provide the service for which their clients pay.
I would recommend VIPKID to any teacher who needs to replace or supplement their income in any way. Visit VIPKID to get started!