Each March, I start my spring cleaning regiment. I do a room or two each day over the course of a couple of weeks. I find that when I break it up like that, the task is not so daunting and it only takes an hour or two of my time each day to get one room done!
This year, we had a very cold and snowy March. I just couldn’t get motivated to spring clean in that weather! So, I am a bit behind, but ready to jump in with both feet and get my cleaning done!!!
Before you get started, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to spring cleaning:
- What works for one person doesn’t work for everyone else. So, take what you want from the checklist and skip the rest. You might even have a few things you do that I don’t have listed.
- When cleaning, always clean top to bottom and then wet to dry. That ensures you are not reworking anything you may have already spent time cleaning.
- The best solution to use to clean is a bucket of warm water with a little bit of dish soap in it. You can also drop in a tsp or 2 of vinegar to add an extra bit of “oomph” to your cleaning.
- Use microfiber cloths to minimize streaks.
- When cleaning glass or windows, use newspaper or coffee filters as those usually produce fewer streaks.
- Avoid terry cloth when cleaning as it leaves lint behind.
Now that you have the basics, make sure you check out the Spring Cleaning Checklist: Bedrooms. This list can easily be printed and you can check off the items as you complete them (I’m one of those – gotta cross it off of my list type of people).
I will share a new list every few days so that you can get started cleaning your house. We will work together and have our cleaning all done by the end of April!!