Fall is now upon us and winter isn’t far behind. It’s the perfect time to prepare your home for those chilly temperatures to come. If you are at a loss for where to start or how to prepare your home for winter in general, we have prepared a few tips for you.
- Doors – Make sure the weather stripping around your exterior doors is in good repair. This means you need to check and make sure it’s not loose or torn. If it is, you will want to remove and replace it. Also, make sure the door sweep on the bottom of your door is in good shape. The main thing to check for is if it’s sealing properly while the door is closed. If not, you will want to replace it.
- Windows – This is similar to checking your doors. Check the weather stripping around your windows and make sure it’s not allowing any air to come in. Also make sure the stripping isn’t loose or torn. If it is, you will want to repair it or replace it. On the exterior of your home, you will want to check to see if the caulking around your windows is cracked or falling apart. If it is, you will want to remove as much of it as you can and re-caulk it.
- Switches and Receptacles – Air can get in to your home through your switches and receptacles. In order to avoid this, you can purchase little pads available at your local home improvement store and place them behind the cover of your switches and receptacles. You can easily remove these covers that are usually only held on by one or two screws.
- Insulation – Check the blow-in insulation in your attic for depth. In other words, make sure it’s adequately deep enough to keep the chilly air out. Depending on where you live, the average depth is usually 12-24 inches. Check with a local contractor if you are unsure and they will be able to assist you with the correct depth for your home and location.
- Pipes and Crawlspaces – First off, make sure the opening or access to your crawlspace is secure and insulated. Any exposed drain piping or water supply piping should be, at minimum, heat taped and insulated. They should also be covered with a waterproof covering such as plastic.
Winterizing is an important task when winter is nearing. It not only lengthens the life of your home, it will also cut down on bills. As always, seek a professional if you are unsure about taking on some of these tasks.