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- Create Date October 11, 2022
- Last Updated October 11, 2022
Bill Payment Log
It happens. Life gets busy and in the middle of the night you wake up and panic because you think you may have forgotten to pay the electric bill! You have to get up, check your bank account just to find that you already paid it. Whew!
But then, there are those times when you did forget. And now, you have to pay a late charge. So that $50 bill now costs $60.
Keeping track of the bills you need to pay can sometimes be overwhelming. And, if you place them in a drawer or with other papers they can get overlooked. Keeping a list of the bills you need to pay and marking them as DONE once you pay them can help.
A simple bill payment log does helps you with this. As your bills arrive, jot down the information onto your sheet. When you sit down each week to pay them, mark them down as paid. Now, you've got one simple form you can use to see what you've paid and those bills still outstanding.