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- Create Date December 12, 2022
- Last Updated December 12, 2022
Back to School Clothing List
It's back to school time!! And, if your kids are like most, it seems they have outgrown nearly everything in their closet. But before you head to the store, make sure you take a quick inventory.
Your daughter may need new tees, but her shorts still fit. It could be your son's jeans are now 1" too short, but yet his socks are in great shape.
There is nothing more frustrating than spending hours at the store shopping for clothes and shoes for your child than to get home and realize that a) you didn't really need everything or b) you did not realize that you should have purchased some items.
Have your kids go through all their clothes and make a list of what they need. Not only will you indicate how many you need of each item, but the size you need to get as well.
This year, your kids will have everything they need to start the year off right!