I love everything fall, and pumpkins, and mums! Real pumpkins can rot pretty easily when exposed to the outdoors, so fake pumpkins are the perfect solution! These DIY Pumpkin Planters are easily used year after year, and are very affordable!
Artificial Pumpkin (we used a styrofoam one from Walmart)
A permanent marker
A knife
A small mum plant
First, remove the stem from the pumpkin. Next, put your mum on top of the pumpkin and trace around the pot. Keep in mind that the top of the pot will be a bit wider than the bottom (so make your circle a bit larger so it will fit).
Use a regular kitchen knife and cut into the styrofoam all the way around the circle. If the pot fits, then you can slide it into the pumpkin and you are done. If not, you may need to make additional cuts until it does.
Once you get the pot to fit, you can just press it in firmly and leave it! I even water mine while they’re in the pumpkin. I leave mine outdoors, though, as the color from the pumpkins can run off and potentially stain your kitchen counters.
Check out all of our other great Fall Decorating Ideas!