Check out these smartphone apps for your budget and debt. These can be a game changer for you!
There is no right or wrong way to do a budget or pay down your debts – as long as you are doing that! The most important rule is that you have it written down. Some people prefer old school and putting the pen to the paper (see this post for some great forms if this is for you). However, many would rather go high tech when it comes to budgets and watching your spending.
There are so many apps out there, that it can be tough to weed through them to know which ones you might consider and which ones to avoid. Below you’ll find ten great apps that might work for you. Keep in mind that you might have to pay for your app, but I sometimes find that you get what you pay for. That means sometimes free is not the best one to use.
1. Goodbudget (formerly EEBA Budget)
This is an app which you can use on your Android or Apple Device. You can even use it on your computer if you would like to (which is nice to have that option). This is a budget which is created following the envelope system. However, instead of having actual envelopes and cash, it is all done electronically.
For example, you can set up your budget and create an envelope for groceries. As you make a purchase at the store, you simply go into the app and add the amount you spent. With each purchase, the budget decreases and when you hit zero – you are done spending for that pay period.
You can share your app with your spouse, partner or significant other and that way, as either of you spend, you are keeping track of where the money goes and there are never any surprises.
Pricing. There is a FREE version which you can use to try it out. You can also purchase the PLUS version for $45 per year (or pay $5 each month – so get a $15 discount if you pay up front). Here are the differences in the accounts:
This is another tool to help you with your budget. It was created by a regular person – just like you. What is great about this software is that it is real time. When you shop at the store, your purchase can show up right in your account! You can see every single penny that has been spent, broken down by each category (you’ve created).
Try this one for free for 34 days, and then you will need to purchase it and then the annual cost is $60.
This is another free app to download. The really awesome part about this one is that it links with your bank accounts and you can create your budget from there.
You may want to bump up to EveryDollar plus. That will help you set up your plans to save money, get out of debt and really see where you are spending. Every time you make a purchase, it is assigned to a category. This helps you better monitor your overall spending.
This app is free. You simply create your account and add your bank, credit and other accounts. It helps you track your spending and learn more about your spending patterns. You can create your own goals and it gives you the tools and tips you need to help reach them.
This is a great way to see your finances in a single glance. You can see how you spend every day, so you know where your money goes and even how (sorted by category). It is like an “expenses feed” for your phone. This helps you see where you might be overspending and make changes accordingly. Find this on both iTunes and Google Play.
This is an app that is only available right now for Apple users. Stay in control of your spending and easily monitor your accounts, right from your phone. You can check out your weekly, monthly and even yearly spending. This app allows you to establish your own spending limits, which will help keep you from overspending. It may even help you either pay off your debt or build up your savings.
This is a free app for Android users only. The app allows you to create and edit multiple budgets. You can set up recurring payments and take a quick look at your financial picture with ease. You can even export your data so you can print it out as needed.
This helps you organize your bills into one calendar so you can see when they are due. It is really a good investment if you tend to miss those due dates and find you get hit with late fees! This is only available for Apple Devices and costs $2.99.
Cash App is a mobile payment service that offers a range of features including budgeting tools. It allows users to send and receive money easily and quickly, making it convenient for everyday transactions. The app provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing your finances, making it suitable for individuals seeking a budgeting app.
Many times, banks have great free resources available to help you create budgets and track spending. Take a look where you bank and see if this isn’t something you can gain access to — for free!