When the end of the month comes around, what do you do with your expired coupons? Do you toss them into the trash or recycling bin? I’ve got a better idea for you!! Save them for our U.S. Military families!!!
Most people do not realize that military families who reside at bases overseas can Military families who live across our oceans can use these coupons for up to 6 months or more after they expire here in the states. This is certainly a great way to support the members of our armed forces by helping their families save money just like we do.
Why can they use them after they expire? Those families who do not reside in the states do not have easy access to the coupns in magazines and newspapers like we do. Even if they receive them, often times, by the time they reach their overseas destination, they are close to, if not already, expired. For this reason, these commissaries waive those expiration dates to help these families still use them to save on their weekly shopping trips.
Coups For Troops is a great initiative that was started to help get these coupons to those who need them. It is so simple to do this program. Connect with Coupons To Troops through their Facebook page. They can provide you with a military family to help. You just package up your coupons once a month and mail them out!
I’ve also got another site called Expired Coupons for Overseas Military. You can visit them on Facebook to get more information, including the mailing information as to where to send your coupons.
Regardless of which site you use, I want to say THANK YOU! I know how very much these families appreciate your support. Just spending a few dollars each month to package and mail these to them is such an easy way to say thank you!