Lunch Box Ideas
School will be back in session before too long and that means filling the lunch box will be on the every day agenda… but what do you pack for lunch? Personally, the beginning of the year always starts off good and as the year progresses I find myself getting lazier and less health conscious when putting your lunch box together. So, I’m truly curious on what your favorite lunches to pack for your kids are?!
We posted this question on our weekly Penny For Your Thoughts post on our Facebook page. Here are a couple of the tips which were shared by our readers.
“We usually roll up lunch meat and cheese, pretzels and fruit.” – Amanda B.
“Lots.of fruit, pudding, a slim Jim, gogurt…luckily this year our school is providing FREE breakfast AND lunch!” – Christy G.
“Cut up chicken breast, strawberries, chips and triscuits. I never thought my daughter was a picky eater until I had to pack her lunch!” – Martha K.
“Turkey sandwich with bag salad fixings & ranch, fruit, gold fish/ cheez its & water bottle.” – Francis
“Whole grain pasta with olive oil and parmasan. Fruit and a yogurt stick.” – Orli G.
“I always enclose a frozen muffin and water or juice in a water bottle 3/4 full and frozen. They act as an “edible” ice pack. I add in a container of veggies & dip, and some fruit and a sandwhich OR we do leftovers from previous nights supper.” – Apirl U.
“Egg salad sandwiches, lunchables, apples, bananas, grapes, salads, pretzels, yogurts, homemade pizza sticks, soups in thermos.” – Stephanie P.
I think this is quite the popular topic as we had several people following the posts for more ideas. Hopefully, if you’ve been considering switching things up a bit this will give you more of a variety to choose from.
Make sure you watch Facebook each Monday for our newest question and share your ideas. You may find your name and tip featured each week on Penny Pinchin’ Mom!